Monday, December 10, 2012


me, avi dana at 9:19 PM 1 comments
Thank you for tomorrow when you gonna call me
Thank you for the weekend when you gonna see me
Thank you for the memories we haven't made yet
You've always been a part of me even before we met
Thank you in advance for the love you give me
I've had a glance of the good life
You'll be there when nobody believes me
I've gone through it all in my mind

I can see me looking at you at the start of the day for all my life
I can see me dying to hold you on the way when I'm driving home at night
I've got these pictures in my head, these pictures in my head, ya
I've got these pictures in my head, these pictures in my head...

Thank you for the best times
Thank you for the journey

I can see me looking at you at the start of the day for all my life
I can see me dying to hold you on the way when I'm driving home at night
I've got these pictures in my head, these pictures in my head, ya
I've got these pictures in my head, these pictures in my head...


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


me, avi dana at 9:53 PM 1 comments
Pertama tama (jangan bilang Bu Dahlia, aku tau ini salah secara tata bahasa Indonesia ._.) marilah kita panjatkan puja dan puji (mungkin mereka kembar) syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan hidayah serta inayah-Nya (bedanya hidayah sama inayah apaan sih?) sehingga pada kesempatan kali ini, saya bisa menulis post ini dengan penuh rasa syukur saya atas tahun dua ribu dua belas yang telah Dia berikan... (kemudian sesenggukan)

Oke, saya minta maaf atas nama pribadi apabila banyak keterangan tambahan (tanda kurung (seperti ini ())) di dalam kalimat pembukaan tadi. Hngng...

So what is resolution? Itu lho, gorengan yang dari kentang, terus isinya bisa macem-macem, bisa sosis bisa beef... Itu sih resoles. (iya, aku tau ini ga lucu) Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes at New Year's Day (wikipedia says). Jadi, sebagai manusia yang bisa digolongkan normal, saya pun punya resolusi tahun dua ribu dua belas yang sudah maupun yang belum tercapai. Ini bisa jadi karena berbagai macam faktor. Ada faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal terdiri dari gen dan hormon. Sedangkan faktor eksternal terdiri dari suhu, kelembaban, pH, unsur mineral, air, (belom selesai udah digepuk pake buku biologi).

Sebagai manusia yang lumayan normal, aku pengen ngereviu (yang ini jangan bilang Mam Hesti ._.) apa yang sudah terjadi padaku (ini bagus buat judul lagu) selama tahun dua ribu dua belas ini. Okay, let's just call the year as 'Sweet and Cute and Pretty Year'. But, to make it shortened, let me call the year 'The Year'. (jadi untuk apa sweet and cute and pretty-nya? ga papa, aku juga gatau untuk apa Astiti Dana Oktaviani kalo akhirnya aku cuma dipanggil Avi.) So then, here we go! Setel '50 Ways to Say Goodbye'nya Train duluu....

1. Bisa naek motor yang merupakan resolusi yang paling koya, yang ga pernah aku harapkan bisa menjadi nyata secepat ini. Bahkan Juni 2012 aku belom bisa apa-apa, dan Agustus aku udah nyelonong aja ke sekolah naek motor. Hahaha ini bermodalkan kenekatan yang luar biasa mengerikan, dan tentu saja penembakan SIM yang mengerikan juga. But somehow, aku udah bisa naek motor sekarang dan aku bahagia :3
2. Naek speed boat, impianku sejak jaman kapan-kapan. Aku beranggapan bahwa naek speed boat itu keren, berasa kebut-kebutan di laut, terus tingkat kegantengan (iya, aku ganteng) bisa meningkat 200% dari biasanya. Ini juga maksa banget. Waktu di Bali kemaren, di mana tour guide melarang keras naek speed boat, aku diem-diem bayar orang buat ngajarin naek speed boat. Ha! Alhasil, ya sudah, aku bener-bener 170 km/jam di atas laut! You should try this by your own!
3. Renang di tengah laut, secara kurang harfiah sih. Maksudku, kalian tau kan aku takut tinggi (dengan begitu takut kedaleman juga) dan renang dengan kaki ngambang di tengah laut itu merupakan prestasi tersendiri buat aku. Apalagi karena air lautnya asin (aku juga ga tau kenapa aku ngomong gini). Ini berkat banana boat yang sukses membuat aku 'mengira' bakal dijatuhin dan udah menjatuhkan diri sendiri ke laut, padahal si speed boat yang narik banana boat ini tetep jalan. Jadinya yah bisa ditebak, aku ngapung gelagapan di tengah laut dengan plolor dan bingung sambil renang-renang ga jelas plus treak-treak biar tu kapal balik. Untungnya, aku bersama dua orang temenku lainnya. Thanks to Elvina The Plolor Woman dan Dhilla :3
4. Ikut beauty class, iya, secara serius aku pengen ikut beauty class. Pengen sih  ngorek-ngorek wajah sendiri dieksperimenin macem-macem, tapi gimana ya... Aku ganteng sih (pede) bukan cantik ._. Makanya aku ga pernah pede mau daftar-daftar gituan. EH, tapi karena sesuatu (yang membuatku menjadi orang ganteng yang feminin) aku jadi bisa join beauty class secara gratis! Ha! Yah, walopun beauty class basic doang (bukan bagian ngorek-ngorek wajah yang aku harapkan) tapi aku anggep this resolution is well done! :3
5. Ke Jogja tanpa orang tua! Hahahahaha, setelah sekian lama kucing-kucingan, akhirnya mendapat ijin secara legal buat ke Jogja tanpa orang tua ini adalah sebuah prestasi yang sangat sulit diraih. Walopun cuma boleh 'kalo' sama Nyonyo cs (Nyonyo Ebi Catherine Vina Nana Eric) dan 'kalo' sama Dipa, but it's enough. They are who I really want to go with memang :3
6. Bisnis yang mutu, tapi ya kalo ga mutu dikit, menurutku ini awal yang bagus. You know, aku bisnis landak mini nih.. Ada yang mau? Kalo minat, akan aku post di post berikutnya :3 (jadi promosi)

1. Bungee jumping! Iya, aku takut tinggi, makanya aku pengen bungee jumping ._.
2. Jalan-jalan ke luar pulau sama temen. Bukan study tour sih ya...
3. Beli gadget sendiri
4. Ke Lawang Sewu ._.
5. Tattoo! Udah beli tato temporary loh aku ._. Ga tau di mana makenya aja..
6. Backpacking
7. Nilai 9 biologi ._. resolusi paling susah, mungkin.
8. Ketemu Aulia Apriliani Suhubdy
9. Ke Kebun Binatang
10. Nonton Saw 1-7 di umurku yang sudah tujuh belas :3

Banyak lagi sih, tapi bisa dilihat semakin ke bawah semakin ga mutu aja.. Aku takutnya bakal menuh-menuhin otak kalian yang lebih berguna kalo dipake buat mikirin gimana caranya dapet nilai 9 di biologi dari pada buat baca kelanjutan 10 poin tadi. Overall nih overall, The Year is the sweetest year I've ever had in my life. And next year will be sweeter, then sweeter than sweeter, then sweeter than sweeter than sweeter, until it will be sweeter than to the exponent of 12 sweeter later. Why 12? 12 is my favorite (or probably Dipa's too :3) number, after 5. Tuh kan, semakin ke bawah semakin ga penting -____-

So, bagi siapa saja yang tergugah hatinya buat membantu aku memenuhi resolusi di 26 hari terakhir di taun ini, bisa segera hubungi nomer hape di bawah ini...
atau bisa langsung memberikan bantuan baik secara material maupun moral kepada saya di mana pun saya berada. Nanti insyaAllah saya doakan masuk surga yah qaqa.. Amin...

Oiya, pesan buat para 4L4y3Rs, berhentilah alay. Alay itu ga bisa masuk surga tauk...
Bisanya macuk curgah.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


me, avi dana at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Someone has ever told me, that chance is meant to be made, not to be waited. Firstly, I just didn't agree about it. Chance is something happens in sudden, involving luck and such an option whether we will take it or not. But this one person successfully made me believe that yes, chance is there to be made. If you want to do something, and just wait for the chance to come to you, you won't move. That's at least what I now believe.

But for the sake of anything (you can say 'miapah' in Indonesian -__-) in some cases, it does do differences. For a very simple example, I miss you.
I miss you.
Fine, one thing I never expect to understand is the time when I miss you. I really want to make a chance, to see you, to meet you, to talk to you, to have fun with you, but what should I do if I don't have even my own time, while you're doing yours? I just keep saying I miss you, without any suitable effort to make the chance. Miserable, yes. But this really doesn't mean that I can't make any effort. (okay, I start talking over the same thing -_____-)

Then one thing I realize is, yes, this is not about ME making the chance, not about YOU making the chance, but it needs to be US making the chance.

That's not what I'm going to talk about here. I just want to share some stupids preventive and preservative things I do when I've missed you already. For some rates, you will know exactly the time when I start being crazy.

1. I keep texting you unimportant messages
2. I start writing your name everywhere ._.
3. I start singing love songs
4. I start sending you love songs ._.
5. I can't be apart from my phone
6. Every time I have time, I watch your phone number (instead of your photos)
7. I'm dying to call you
8. I start being a professional stalker
9. I will do anything to get those possibilities of meeting you (like coming to school in very early morning, or going to canteen in certain time that I know at those times you'll be there, then I'll wait to see you like a shark)
10. I start talking nothing (like talking that I'll wait to see you like a shark. Seriously, what is shark? -_-)
11. I wear that green-long-sleeved-suit you gave until the suit looks like I wear everyday
12. I wear that grey watch you gave, although I know, I haven't given it any battery
13. I wear our couple sweater, or shoes, and dance like crazy
14. I talk to my dolls (and all of them have the same name as you in this time)
15. I watch romantic movies and pretend to be that perfect couple in the movie with you (unless the movie is horrible)
16. I play my tuts and create a song about you
17. I draw your face (you know, my drawing is like a bird's drawing)
18. I don't know how a bird's drawing looks like
19. I start my night riding and pass your house
20. I start loving green more than pink
21. I try to cook our helly-fried-rice (nasi goreng neraka you know. Okay, that's not ours, that's yours, but I try to make it as well as we used to make ._.)
22. I look for that one fish siomay seller (one that you like) and eat as much as I can do, pretending I'm eating it with you and I should win the eating competition .___.
23. I go to places we usually go to eat, and eat what you usually eat :9
24. I start making compliments about you
25. I can't sleep, or sleep too often (okay, you could guess which one I do the most)
26. It will seem like I see you everywhere, or your motorcycle everywhere, or your jacket, or your helmet, or whatever-about-you everywhere (don't think I take some drugs, but it happens)
27. I often check calender
28. I take a bath longer (I don't know how it's related one to another. But yes, it does happen)
29. I will be just quite when I then meet you
30. I will try as hard as I do not to punch or even bite you when I meet you (that's why I will be just quite)

But overall, if I have that long time to meet you, I'll hug you until you die! (it occurs if 'you' refers to a doll or something).
So, I think one thing I have to be grateful of is that I'm pleased missing you. I don't say being crazy is always because of sadness or madness or something. Being crazy about you is something amazing I can never deny. Actually, I do more things when I miss you, but if I state here all of them, I think I need to write all of my life story. No. Yes. Because I eventually miss you in every second of my life, and I'm not joking, or lying. I just say what a crazy people do say. Don't blame me for being crazy.

Make the chance then, for sure. I'll then tell the conclusion of this post.

I miss you

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