Friday, October 25, 2013


me, avi dana at 11:04 PM 0 comments
What are you expecting from college life? Too many friends to mingle with? Too much leasure time? A chance to live a life? A boy to support when everything gets worse? Extra budget for clothes? Extra sleeping hours?

Classic, and you've already known that.

You've already known not to expect anything when you're stepping a higher level of your life which always, and always, means that life gets harder. If you enjoy your high school too much, it must be just because you're too young to be mature and too old to be treated like kids. At that phase, you'll be you, only your self. No one will take too much control of you, and no one will force your work at the same time. That is exactly your comfort zone. Guess what happens when you're leaving, you're standing staring at these words like me, acting as an idiot facing the world.

I say this to remind, doesn't mean that I'm not happy enough to write happy things. You know, the word 'happy' its self tastes so much different when you're in high school with when you're in college. It is undescribable that I am happy right now to write this while much pressure is freaking me out right here. Exam, assignment, love, and life matters that are never-ending really make additional colors to my colorful days. Enjoy life, it always finds ways.

How can a college time be at its worst? 

What is the most possible feeling when you have to face exam every week in fully a year? If you say you're happy, just be adults and don't be here. It is a big lie if I say the exam pleases me a lot. Actually I feel grateful to have them so that they make time flies really fast that I can finish my college life as fast as possible. No, I don't want to quickly be adult, but yes, I start getting sick facing exams. 

What can be worse than exams? Assignment, the never-ending ones. When you have to face new assignment everyday and you just want to skip your first year, but then you realize you can't go anywhere because you'll face twice of them on the second year and four times on the third and they will just crack as amoebas when they are reproducing their selves. Overall, what you do is sitting and putting your hands on the table while staring at those assignments with little-kitty-stares wishing they will help you someday with your real job. No, I am not that old to think about working stuffs but yes, I think about the possibility of having my own money.

Value of life is not always about what is stated on your report paper. Marks don't make sense if you don't have enough link to implement them to real life. You have to make it worth the work. Yolo! It is a need to find real friends here, to mingle with as many people as possible, to do as many projects as we can, to do everything. You can't live fake life that you need friends to be with you till the end. No, it's not about being lack of friends but yes, it's about needing friends its self.

Worse and worse, when you think you can live alone without your parents abd you'll be free. It is a fact that you need them as much as you need air to breathe. It will be a very hard time when you start missing and all you can do is just touching their faces through laptop monitor while skyping instead of hugging them and give kisses. Your tears probably turn into rivers on your face and your breath will hold in every two seconds. You cry, or at least you feel like crying. No, I didn't cry for everything happening here but yes, I need to admit that it's always been a sad truth that I miss everything every once.

Classic thought, if you have ever thought love life in college is as easy as finding a tree in the middle of the jungle. Yes, there will be so many boys you meet, but the one who'll be your only one will be harder to find. It will be hard time when everything runs out of your planned line. Moreover, if you are loving in distance. Thoughts you can never tolerate, truth you can never deny, invicible burdens, will absolutely freak you out. When you miss the one you love but you can't even tell, when he misses you but you can't even know. When every single business you have crashes every single business he has. When reality seems a scary place to live that you can do nothing to change it. No, I'm not asking too much but yes, everybody deserves what they make deserved.

Finally, like finally, I just can hold my breath for a while then sigh, facing reality that it has been eleven at night, I'm having exam tomorrow with many assignments craving for energy to spend for, I'm hard missing my parents that I keep my self in patience while finding most of my friends spend their weekend with their family, I miss the one who is never tired to make me tired but never tired enough to always be with him along these hard days, and I wish I don't live here in a place called reality. 
Good night, good people. Make your only-once-life worth the wait.

And remember, life always finds its way...

Friday, August 2, 2013


me, avi dana at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Have you ever felt really flawless at a moment? Have you ever felt too much happy that your tears are just waiting to melt? Have you ever felt really love someone in a way no one else can do? I, as the luckiest girl to have you in my life, have.

I can say this is an early farewell. It's not and never a forever farewell because I know and believe that there will be many other days we can and will share together in the name of love. But somehow, yes, this is a farewell. A flawless farewell.

No word can describe how much I feel right now in this kind of way.

Everybody must have reasons to be grateful, to thank God abundantly, to be glad and pleased for being given a life. In so many ways, in so much feeling, people keep holding the reasons behind their smiles, behind their laughs, their tears, their happiness. Me? For my last two years, you are a special reason why I can stand here in the way I am standing.
I know He loves me since He sent you to keep me safe and save.

thank you
so much
for the night
and for every single thing, every little thing, that makes me learn how to be mature.

You have the heart of mine. Just, see you next semester.

Friday, July 19, 2013

SUKSES repost

me, avi dana at 11:50 PM 0 comments
Post super ini aku dapetin dari dan bener-bener menginspirasi. Susah emang dijalanin, tapi modalnya cuma think positive aja sih. Great post! Semoga bisa menginspirasi readers juga ya :D
Tak peduli apa pun yang menjadi profesi kerja Anda sekarang, apakah karyawan rendahan atau bos sekalipun, Anda bisa meraih sukses dengan mengembangkan 50 kebiasaan sukses ini. Namun, ingat juga bahwa ukuran kesuksesan bukanlah uang, melainkan mental puas itu sendiri.
1.Carilah dan temukan kesempatan di mana orang lain gagal menemukannya.
2.Orang sukses melihat masalah sebagai bahan pembelajaran bukannya kesulitan belaka.
3.Fokus pada solusi, bukan berkubang pada masalah yang ada.
4.Menciptakan jalan suksesnya sendiri dengan pemikiran dan inovasi yang ada.
5.Orang sukses bisa merasa takut, namun mereka kemudian mengendalikan dan mengatasinya.
6.Mereka mengajukan pertanyaan yang tepat, sehingga menegaskan kualitas pikiran dan emosional yang positif.
7.Mereka jarang mengeluh.
8.Mereka tidak menyalahkan orang lain, namun mengambil tanggung jawab atas tindakan mereka.
9.Mereka selalu menemukan cara untuk mengembangkan potensi mereka dan menggunakannya dengan efektif.
10.Mereka sibuk, produktif, dan proaktif, bukan luntang-lantung.
11.Mereka mau menyesuaikan diri dengan sifat dan pemikiran orang lain.
12.Mereka memiliki ambisi atau semangat.
13.Tahu benar apa yang diinginkan.
14.Mereka inovatif dan bukan plagiat.
15.Mereka tidak menunda-nunda apa yang ada.
16.Mereka memiliki prinsip bahwa hidup adalah proses belajar yang tiada henti.
17.Mereka tidak menganggap diri sempurna sehingga sudi belajar dari orang lain.
18.Mereka melakukan apa yang seharusnya, bukan apa yang mereka mau lakukan.
19.Mereka mau mengambil resiko, tapi bukan nekat.
20.Mereka menghadapi dan menyelesaikan masalah dengan segera.
21.Mereka tidak menunggu datangnya keberuntungan, atau kesempatan. Merekalah yang menciptakannya.
22.Mereka bertindak bahkan sebelum diminta.
23.Mereka mampu mengendalikan emosi dan bersikap profesional.
24.Mereka adalah komunikator yang handal.
25.Mereka mempunyai rencana dan berusaha membuatnya menjadi kenyataan.
26.Mereka menjadi luar biasa karena mereka memilih untuk itu.
27.Mereka berhasil melalui masa-masa berat yang biasanya membuat orang lain menyerah.
28.Mereka tahu apa yang penting bagi mereka dan melakukan yang terbaik yang mereka bisa.
29.Mereka memiliki keseimbangan. Mereka tahu bahwa uang hanya alat, bukan segalanya.
30.Mereka paham betul pentingnya disiplin dan pengendalian diri.
31.Mereka merasa aman karena mereka tahu mereka berharga.
32.Mereka juga murah hati dan baik hati.
33.Mereka mau mengakui kesalahan dan tidak segan untuk minta maaf.
34.Mereka mau beradaptasi dengan perubahan.
35.Mereka menjaga kesehatan dan performa tubuh.
36.Mereka rajin.
38.Mereka terbuka dan mau menerima masukan dari orang lain.
39.Mereka tetap bahagia saat menghadapi pasang surut kehidupan.
40.Mereka tidak bergaul dengan orang-orang yang salah.
41.Mereka tidak membuang waktu dan energi emosional untuk sesuatu yang di luar kendali mereka.
42.Mereka nyaman bekerja di tempat yang ada.
43.Mereka memasang standar yang tinggi bagi diri sendiri.
44.Mereka tidak mempertanyakan mengapa mereka gagal namun memetik pelajaran dari itu semua.
45.Mereka tahu bagaimana harus rileks, menikmati apa yang ada, dan mampu bersenang-senang dalam kecerobohan sekalipun.
46.Karir mereka bukanlah siapa mereka, itu hanyalah pekerjaan.
47.Mereka lebih tertarik pada apa yang efektif ketimbang pada apa yang mudah.
48.Mereka menyelesaikan apa yang telah mereka mulai.
49.Mereka menyadari bahwa mereka bukan hanya makhluk hidup belaka, namun juga makhluk rohani.
50.Mereka melakukan apa yang mereka katakan.
Jadi, apakah ada beberapa kebiasaan yang sudah menjadi bagian dari hidup Anda saat ini?! Jika ada, kembangkan itu, dan tambahkan peluang sukses Anda dengan melakukan yang lain. Ingat, sukses bukanlah milik orang yang tidak pernah gagal, melainkan milik orang yang tidak pernah menyerah!!
Kata-kata yang kelimapuluhnya sangat saya setujui :D Semoga yang baca ini sukses selalu selamanya, dan bisa nularin ilmu suksesnya ke calon orang sukses lainnya :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013


me, avi dana at 3:34 PM 0 comments

Here we go again dengan lagu yang messy-but-i-love-it ini. Lagu yang berjudul 'Distance' ini emang dedicated buat temen-temen calon pelaksana long distance relationship (ngomong ke kaca) dan yang mungkin malah udah sempet menjalani gimana rasanya hubungan jarak jauh itu. Mungkin kedengeran sedikit galau, tapi ending lagu ini membangkitkan semangat kok (for me at least). Aku nulis lagu ini intinya sih pengen ngayem-yemi (ngelegain) kita para distancers, bahwa distance doesn't really matter if you believe :) and soooo wishing it'll work :)



I wake up every morning
first worth I always see
dew dances writing your name
and makes it hard to breathe
I'm craving for the air
There comes out all my blare
I miss you, I miss you...

Distance, are you really there?

I'm screaming in a silence and all I hear is you
I try to see in darkness and all I see is you

Distance can blow up what it burned
but it can be the fire to the wind
It maybe the silence to adorn your harmony
It maybe the melody you need to listen
I miss you...
I miss you...
I miss you...
I miss you... you're the fire to the wind
harmonize and you'll win
I need you, I need you...

Just believe that it's worth it all this waiting time we do
This distance will burn our love to see me with you

Distance, are you really there?


In the video its self (I do wish I can write notes correctly), ada beberapa nada yang out of pitch sehingga ndengung, ada juga yang false geser dikit, dan beberapa nada hilang karena ga kuat. Yah, human error, namanya juga video dan penyanyi (kamar mandi) amatir. Mohon maaf ya :) But it'll be great if you're willing to watch... Thank you super thank you!

Di dalem liriknya juga, ada beberapa grammatical error, tapi itu disengaja kok ._. maksudnya, selain biar pas sama nada dan rimanya, itu ada arti-ga-nyambung tersendiri yang mungkin kalo dalam bahasa Indonesia butuh dikasih tambahan-tambahan kata biar bisa dibaca, nah di situ juga ada.

So, well, I'm far from perfect and so is this song :) But I really just wanna share what's on my mind. Thank you super thank you once again for you listeners :D And for distancers, you just have to believe that distance is not to be feared. It will help to make it worth the wait :)

Sunday, May 12, 2013


me, avi dana at 6:39 PM 0 comments
Jadi cantik itu jangan nanggung - Super Mom

Kata-kata yang beberapa waktu lalu terlontar dan berhasil bikin aku kepikiran. Maksudnya apa? Kok gitu kenapa? Dan yang paling penting, caranya gimana? Kata-kata yang mampu bikin aku cari tau, cantik itu apa sih? Sejauh sepengetahuanku, cantik itu ya orang-orang macem Ashley Greene, atau Jeniffer Lopez, atau Rihanna mungkin. Orang-orang yang langsing, rambutnya bagus, wajahnya mulus, gayanya oke, ya itu cantik.

Banyak sih yang bilang, cantik itu hatinya. Cantik hatinya itu gimana? Sebuah tidak mungkin kalau orang bisa berlaku baiiiiik terus sepanjang hidupnya. Ada sisi manusia yang entah itu negatif atau dianggap negatif oleh sekitarnya. Dan jelas, hal yang negatif itu ga bisa digolongkan dalam cantik hatinya. Kalaupun memang seseorang dalam hidupnya sangat jarang berlaku negatif, kemudian dia disebut cantik hatinya, apa lalu kecantikan fisik itu ga perlu?

Setelah mencari beberapa referensi lagi, cantik itu ya cantik imannya. Wanita-wanita yang rajin beribadah, rajin sedekah, rajin membantu, menyebut nama Allah, berdzikir, apalagi berhijab, kemudian dianggap cantik. Aku cukup setuju dengan anggapan yang satu ini, sampai kemudian aku ingat wanita-wanita bercadar, yang di rumah melayani suaminya dengan baik tanpa bekerja, banyak mengurung diri karena menghindari fitnah dan sebagainya. Ga ada yang salah dengan itu, mereka sangat beriman. Tapi entah kenapa, mungkin aku ga bisa jadi cantik dalam kategori tersebut, mengingat 'jadi cantik itu jangan nanggung'. Aku belum bisa membayangkan suatu saat aku akan hidup tanpa pekerjaan dan hanya di rumah saja. Hal ini jujur membuat aku bingung, harus cantik-tidak-nanggung yang gimana lagi?

Banyak kubu berpendapat tentang apa sih itu cantik. Dan semua kubu itu ga ada yang salah juga. Orang-orang yang cantik fisiknya, orang-orang yang kalem dan baik hatinya, orang-orang yang sangat rajin ibadahnya, semuanya cantik. Tapi kadang aku berpikir, orang yang sangat amat baik, tapi dia obesitas dan wajahnya kusam, apakah orang-orang at once akan menganggap dia cantik? Mungkin iya, tapi mungkin butuh waktu yang lama untuk menyadari kecantikan hatinya itu. Lalu orang yang alim, yang sangat menjaga diri, kemudian menjadi introvert, apakah orang-orang at once akan menganggap dia cantik? Mungkin iya, tapi butuh usaha yang besar untuk menyelami kecantikan imannya itu. Dan sampai detik ini, orang-orang yang at once dianggap cantik masihlah orang-orang yang cantik secara fisik.

Beberapa hari aku memikirkan pesan yang super dari ibu yang super itu sebelum tidur, dan masih bingung tentang apa itu cantik, sampai kemudian aku mengubah pertanyaannya jadi 'gimana itu cantik'. Cantik itu seperti halnya 'sehat', 'pintar' dan kata-kata semacamnya yang ga ada exact definitionnya. Tapi bagaimanapun, orang-orang tetep tau gimana caranya sehat, gimana caranya pintar, dan pastinya tau juga gimana caranya cantik.
Cantik mungkin emang punya banyak definisi berbeda dari sumber yang berbeda pula. Tapi gimana itu cantik, bisa dilakukan dengan kombinasi ketiganya, menurutku.

Jadilah cantik.
Secara fisik, secara hati, secara iman, dan secara banyak sudut pandang. Mungkin jadi langsing, bersih, dan punya rambut bagus itu perlu. Paling tidak, kita tau gimana caranya merawat anggota badan kita sendiri. Badan yang kita punya sekarang ini bagaimanapun itu anugrah dari Tuhan yang sangat patut kita syukuri dan kita jaga. Apa iya kalau rambut kita rusak misalnya, kita tega let it broken? Kita sayang apa yang kita punya, that's why kita merawatnya.
Tapi beberapa orang jadi operasi plastik demi menjadi lebih cantik ya? Menurutku lagi, itu karena mereka terlalu fokus dengan kecantikan fisik tanpa diseimbangkan dengan cantik iman dan cantik hati. Mereka bukan lagi 'merawat' tapi 'menjadikan lain' hartanya sendiri. Mungkin untuk mereka itu sah-sah saja, tapi yaaa yang berlebihan tetep aja ga baik kan?
Kalau di film-film, gank yang biasa berkuasa dan seenaknya di sekolah biasanya gank yang terdiri dari orang-orang cantik ya? Itu suatu kesombongan, yang ga seharusnya ada kalau mereka juga belajar apa itu cantik hati. Alangkah sangat menakjubkan kalau orang-orang yang cantik itu juga bisa berbaik hati sama teman-temannya, bahkan orang yang menyakiti mereka sekalipun. Thousands friends are never enough while an enemy is way too much kan?

Setelah mikir hal-hal itu, aku jadi tiba-tiba cling! Itu, itu lho yang namanya cantik-tidak-nanggung. Jadi cantik jangan cuma dari satu sisi aja, tapi dari segala sudut pandang. Kalau udah merasa cantik fisik, jangan lupa berbaik hati dan banyak-banyak ibadah juga. Kalau udah merasa cantik hati, jangan lupa merawat fisik dan tetep bersyukur juga. Kalau udah merasa cantik iman, jangan lupa buat ga menutup diri dan tetep menjaga penampilan. Karena ketiganya itu penting, apalagi buat kita sebagai wanita. Karena ketiganya itu penting, ga ada yang didominankan buat jadi cantik.

be your own kind of beautiful

Jadilah cantik, ladies.
Dan jadi cantik itu jangan nanggung.

Sunday, May 5, 2013


me, avi dana at 10:22 AM 0 comments
If you are really my best friend, you would have known that I love westlife very, very much. I know their songs are old already but they never die! Those songs that always remind me how happy I was to hear them, and how I intend to meet them (I don't care if I meet them later when they are all very old). And this is one of my favorite songs of them :D

I know that my voice sucks ._. But what I actually want to share here is how my heart sings together with me in this song, and I love, love, love it! I'll be so much glad if you enjoy the cover, but if no, I'm sorry from the very first time hehe.
Here good luck, hope you don't break your ears!

Everybody's looking for that something
One thing that makes it all complete
You'll find it in the strangest places
Places you never knew it could be

Some find it in the eyes of their children
Some find it in their lover's eyes
Who can deny the joy it brings
When you've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

Some find it sharing every morning
Some in their solitary lives
You'll find it in the words of others
A simple line can make you laugh or cry

You'll find it in the deepest friendship
The kind you cherish all your life
And when you know how much it means
You've found that special thing
You're flying without wings

So, impossible as they may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
‘Cause who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete

Well, for me it's waking up beside you
To watch the sunrise on your face
To know that I can say I love you
At any given time or place

It's little things that only I know
Those are the things that make you mine

And it's like flying without wings
‘Cause you're my special thing
I'm flying without wings

And you're the place my life begins
And you'll be where it ends

I'm flying without wings
And that's the joy you bring
I'm flying without wings

original version :

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


me, avi dana at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Entering the new stage of your life, my life too eventually, the time when you've passed one more adorable phase of your adorable life. Those moments when you fought for your self, to find the real side of you, when you finally found who your true friends are, when you then knew what love is, met an amazing beast to fall for, took your sword to keep your pride, to keep your family, when you knew that life is not always good, you found enemies, you liked stupid things, new things, bad, good, great things.
Yes, high school.

Memories we can't even forget, things we can't even deny, moments we can't even replay, times we can't even repeat make me always wonder how I will be on the next stage of life. I mean, it really is hard to move on, to simply move up, to make something really new while you are walking forward leaving your old things behind. You know, old things are still your things.

And it will be harder if you've already fallen for it.
Well, let's stop this menye.

We are facing the reality that we step on a higher stair, when we will be free (or maybe alone for those-who-cannot-be-far-away-to-their-parents, really) from parents, live our own life, earn money, work for your self, study, study, study, finish your study, create something new, impress lecturers, create other achievements, go abroad for fun, search for many kinds of scholarship, and finally make your parents never regret to have you in their life.
Yes, college.

That new (I am actually worrying of my own word 'new') atmosphere will lead you to new environment and finally the new you. Good things enter your life. You can learn how to dance salsa, or be a cook, or paint famous-to-be paintings, or whatever you newly know in this step. You can find diligent people who will make you love your books, mechanics to teach you how to make over your motorcycle, engineers to show you how to work scientifically, even scientists who can make you enter laboratory more often than what you can imagine.
But remember, bad things will never let good things fight alone. They feel pleased to accompany good things everywhere. You probably find bad people who will show you how to smoke, how to drink, how to enter the dance floor, how to use drugs, how to club, how to gamble, how to date bitches, or whatever you newly know in this step. They can simply lead you to be far, and more far away from your parents, and even God. Or maybe simple bad things, like railing or cursing by bad words, or by defaming people by things they don't belong. They probably call you bitch or pig or dog or others. They maybe force you to manipulate or bully a nerd. They maybe just take advantages of what you have.

And it is your choice how you will live.

I am not that brave enough to face this world alone too. I need God in a very huge proportion. I need my angels sent by Him, my parents. I need my best friends to catch me when I'm falling and to lift me when I'm high. I need my super beast to shed loves and to be shed by loves as a bonus. But I am preparing my self always for the worst. Simple thoughts, worrying about simple things. I just can keep encouraging my self not to be dumb, and what I really, really want you all to emphasize here is not to be dumber than me.
Just don't be dumber than me.

Keep positive, people. Think positive, do positive. Be a woman with girl's style and lady's thoughts. Be a man who deserves your lady. Just remember that good people always gather with good people, better with better, and best with best. The rest is just your choice whether to be good, better, or best. In this college stage you will be a new you undeniably. But this new you will be on the path you're building right now, in an atmosphere you're preparing right now, and in a mind you're planning right now. So don't procrastinate, build a new you from now on.
I wish I thought of it earlier. But life is never too late for something good.

Be in the business of being awesome!

From now on.
Just don't be dumber than me.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


me, avi dana at 11:46 PM 0 comments
So, how does it feel to be in a pasca-exam-phase?
Maybe some of you feel that it is really needed to relax by going somewhere or doing something you had never ever done in your life. Or maybe some other choose to be comfortably home preparing everything for the next exam. Me? Oh if only I can really choose.

Life is hard. But when you are facing your exam, it is harder.
And unfortunately, for my parents, everyday is my examination.

If I can barely choose, as a freedom-enjoy-er, I'd rather spend almost all my savings for the sake of vacation. Well I can go anywhere. To your house, probably. Or just by playing around to my relatives' houses in many beautiful places like Bali or Palembang or even Papua (I don't have any relative there btw, but everyone is family, right?). Or one dream I miserably haven't reached yet is visiting my bitch's dream house (I mean, it is!) in Lombok.

Before I continue, you have to clear your mind about what I do mean by bitch. Really.

If, only if, I have a chance to get my second option, it would be hanging out with my friends. No mall (it is not a recommended place for real playing) nor even movie. I'd rather choose to climb a mountain or follow a long, long river or do a risky rafting or play with adrenaline. I honestly don't like height, but I really want to feel how it is like to fall from a kilometer high (of course it is bungee jumping, not self-killing) or how it feels to go to another river side by rope or how it would be to walk on a very high rope-made bridge. I can vomit or even be stupidly fainted. But I DO want it.
I am just too afraid of being silly. That's how I need my oh-please friends with me.

But the main problem here is, my parents don't like adventure.
My parents hate adventure. My adventure, briefly.

Do you have any to-do list? I do.
And the first thing I really want to do later, in my college, is take gunning course. I always imagine my self looking straight to one red point and in a very slow motion I shot my shot to the shot spot. And see, how that red point is pointed then that pride flows from my head to the toes. It has to be so good.
Second, obsessed to polo sport (but it's likely impossible to have that sport in Indonesia), I want to ride horse. I've spend my childhood imagination to wait for that prince charming riding white horse while giving the sweetest smile in the entire world and pick me up and say 'let's fight together, my princess, for our happily-ever-after'. But realizing that no prince will come that way, so why don't I try to be that princess charming? No weirdness, R A Kartini taught us.
So you, my prince who doesn't ride white horse, just be prepared.
Third, can somebody please teach me fencing? Sword play always looks great! It is a combination of crime and art and I love both. I can have that sight in my head, where some criminals intend to kill me or ask my money (even if I just have a dollar, they don't deserve), then I stay calm and give a cool cynical smile, then I secretly touch my waist where I put my sword, then they come forward but I have already hold my shiny and sharp steel and stab them! And boom, they run stupidly afraid of me.

Once again, don't you see that those are all adventure?

Final conclusion is that right here right now I am writing this post in a very cold night, fail to edit my own blog because of being too busy staring at my schedule.
My schedule, that tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after the day after tomorrow, and some months later, I have to swallow the reality to have an intensive course to enter university, to be obsessed to dietary management, to take driving course (please, I have had my driving license!), to gather with my business partners, and no vacation. No vacation, at all.

Accept the truth.
And I always do. Because being grateful is what all human beings really need to live a life.
Well, have a good time, everyone!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


me, avi dana at 1:41 PM 0 comments
19. Libur
15. Ujian Nasional
2. Hari ini

Orang bilang, ringan atau beratnya suatu masalah itu tergantung dari bagaimana kita melihat dan menyikapinya. So, instead of saying it's D-13, I'll say it's D-17 :D

Orang bilang, lama atau tidaknya waktu itu tergantung dari senang atau tidaknya kita selama menjalaninya. Tiga belas (tujuh belas ding) hari itu tidak lama kan? Berarti kita senang menjalaninya :D

Orang bilang, bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. Mungkin maksudnya, berusahalah (dengan senang) dahulu, bersantai-santai (dengan senang juga) kemudian. Life's too short to be lived unhappily :D

Karena Tuhan pun bilang, bahwa sesungguhnya dibalik setiap kesulitan selalu ada kemudahan..

إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا 
 "Sesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan" (QS Al Insyirah 94:6) 

Dan kita bisa lihat, bahwa sesungguhnya dibalik Ujian Nasional ada libur panjang... 


Saturday, February 2, 2013

Untuk Teman Kami

me, avi dana at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Hitam dalam kemerahan, Februari kali ini membuatku banyak mengingatmu, kawan. Di bulan yang seharusnya penuh kecintaan ini, kamu menyeruak, mengambil seluruh cinta kami pergi melepas pergimu. Lubang yang kemudian menganga di dalam jiwa-jiwa pengasihmu, jantung yang sekejap berhenti berdetak bersamamu, tapi kemudian kamu sendiri melambaikan hati untuk kami, dan pergi...

Seandainya kamu tau, kawan, betapa kami merindukanmu. Lelucon-leluconmu yang manis, yang mengingatnya saja kini tak sanggup menahan tangis. Segala canda dan tawamu yang tidak seorang pun dapat mengganti, kini menggantung, mengambang di ubun-ubun. Sepertinya mereka masih di sini, bersamamu, berkumpul bersama kami. Kawan, seandainya tidak sesulit ini melepasmu..

Air mata itu sudah tak mampu keluar lagi. Jeritan, kata-kata yang tak mampu terbendung lagi di dada. Menyesakkan, kau tau. Orang-orang yang mengasihimu, yang selalu ingin bersamamu, yang kini sedang memandangi dirinya sendiri tanpamu. Hampa, kawan, mengapa tak semudah itu melepasmu?

Kawan, kami ingin berbagi cerita. Cerita-ceritamu yang lalu, yang tak bisa lupa. Betapa seharusnya sekarang kita sama-sama bahagia membayangkan masa depan. Lihatlah, orang yang pertama kali membuatmu sejatuhcinta ini, sekarang sedang sangat jatuh cinta padamu. Kini kau bisa lihat sendiri, betapa banyak kami mengasihimu. Bisikkan padanya, kawan, dia butuh kau menghiburnya. Katakan, yang selama ini selalu ingin kau katakan. Bahwa kamu sayang sesayang-sayangnya sayang padanya..

Kami sangat ingin memandangimu bahagia, kawan. Doa kami tak pernah lepas untukmu. Jadikanlah bulan cintamu ini bulan cinta kami bersamamu. Dalam hitam dan dalam diam, kami mengenangmu.

Sampaikan salam kami pada Tuhan, kawan. Kami menyayangimu,
Zaqi Muhammad Ramdhan

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