Monday, August 1, 2011

Damn, It's True

me, avi dana at 10:14 AM
#3wordsthatcanchangeyourday I LOVE YOU. #DamnItsTrue

#3wordsthatcanchangeyourday YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. #DamnItsTrue

Appreciate every moments that you have... before they become memories. #DamnItsTrue

You didn't plan on falling in love, it just happened. #DamnItsTrue

It's so difficult for me to hide my blushing smile whenever I come across your name. #DamnItsTrue

Boys don't realize how much one little thing can upset a girl. #DamnItsTrue

It's funny how sometimes you're missing somebody, but when that somebody shows up you do nothing. #DamnItsTrue

When I read your text messages I can hear exactly how you would say it. #DamnItsTrue

If PLAN A doesn't work out, don't worry! You still have 25 letters left. #DamnItsTrue

Girls rather choose to be dumped than to be cheated. #DamnItsTrue

Girls has two ultimate weapons: MAKEUP and TEARS! #DamnItsTrue

People are like music… some speak the truth and others are just noise. #DamnItsTrue

Silence doesn't always mean “Yes”. Sometimes, silence means… LOADING! #DamnItsTrue

My weakness and my insecurities towards you, are the best way I have to prove you how much I love you. #DamnItsTrue

HE had me at my WORST but for him it's more than enough. #DamnItsTrue

#dearTEACHER I’m not stupid… I just dont know the right answers. #DamnItsTrue

When I get a text from you… I immediately stop whatever I'm doing just to read it. #DamnItsTrue

Lonely is not a feeling when you are alone. Lonely is a feeling when no one cares. #DamnItsTrue

Longest minutes in life: 1. Waiting for food out of the microwave 2. Waiting for that one text/call. #DamnItsTrue

Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to smile for no reason. #DamnItsTrue

You're not my life, but you're the one I want to spend it with. #DamnItsTrue

Say what you mean... and mean what you say! #DamnItsTrue

*taken from @DamnItsTrue's tweets


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